Tuesday, June 8, 2010

what does your name mean?

one of the facebook applications. cool. so, what does your name mean? mine, it's a german name for noble strength. awesome.

(thanks to zzellers.tumblr.com)

dear Lord

Lord, may I be a teacher, both knowledgeable and kind;

help me to encourage each young and growing mind.

May my faith be evident in all I say and do

as I share the many lessons that I have learned from You.


a teacher's prayer

Each time, before I face my class,
I hesitate awhile, and ask the Father,
"Help me Lord, to understand each child."

Help me to see in every one
A precious soul most dear,
may I lead that child through paths of
wonder...not of fear."

"Dear Father, as they look to me for
Christian guidance true,
I look to you and humbly ask that you will
teach me too."


I pray that You continue to give me strength and discernment as I pursue my true calling in life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

dear teacher

i miss teaching. i miss my students, who inspire me to keep doing my best.

although my current work is somewhat related to teaching. i still miss the classroom setting.

oh well, someday, i WILL go back to teaching college...hello, future students.